Kevin Durant says the Top 5 players he ever played with is Kyrie, Harden, Steph, Westbrook and Clay. Lil Wayne was the music soundtrack of his early career and then Drake and Nicki flowed right after but Drake was listened to the most. These days Lil Baby is what’s poppin in the Locker Room. KD feels like all athletes and rappers are artists and there is no limit to being creative. When he got his MVP award all his pass struggles played in his mind. He committed to basketball at 8 and as he was getting older he started to visualize that it can happen so when he started to turn a teenager he knew he was nice! He really built a love for the game and it made him get better and better. Sports for him was like fitting in. Him stepping on the court was his sanctuary and his mom was always his big support system. He knew he made it when he bought his first house in Seattle and that’s when it clicked! This is his job! I’m now in the NBA!